VMware Code

vSphere Tidbits: Using ovftool on Linux

During re-install of my Cloud Director lab, I noticed that the installation of ovftool (officially named OVF Tool) is not documented. Which seems odd to me, because with 2 variants at hand, it should. In this post I show you how. It’s good to know that ovftool for Linux is not available in some form of distro specific package (deb, rpm etc.) nor via Snap, Flatpack. Therefore ovftool is not found in any repository. The Read more…

PowerCLI 13 installation hurdles on Linux

In November 2022, I wrote a post on my endeavor about installing PowerCLI on my Windows box. I needed PowerCLI 13 ImageBuilder feature, which was the only way to add the USB Network Native Driver for ESXi fling to a custom ESXi ISO image. Check these posts here: PowerCLI 13 update and installation hurdles on Windows Create ESXi 8 Customized ISO Installer Over a year has passed and I wanted to do the same on Read more…

vCenter log disk errors

vSphere Tidbits: vCenter Log partion full due to vLCM

vCenter raised several alarms because its /storage/log partition was full. The errors were: Find the large logs Logging into the vCenter appliance using SSH is a good starting point for troubleshooting. When searching for the largest file in the /storage/log partition it showed: Of the files listed above, the updatemgr-vmon.log.stderr file was by far the largest Log cleanup Now let’s delete all larger files in the /storage/logs/vmware directory While browsing though the other directories and Read more…

ESXi Host Certificate Status

vSphere Tidbits: Fix ESXi Host Certificate Status alarm

When logging into my Lab vCenter the other day, I noticed one of my lab hosts showed an red “ESXi Host Certificate Status” alarm. That was the case because the host was 5 years connected to vCenter and therefore the hosts certificate was expired. Luckily fixing the Host Certificate Status alarm is quite easy since the vSphere 6.x days. Select the host and go to “Configure > System > Certificate” and use the “Renew” button. Read more…

FortiGate support overview for vSphere

Many enterprises and service providers use Fortinet products like FortiGate, often running them as a VM’s. If running them virtually on vSphere, what are the current supported versions? FortiOS supported vSphere versions The vSphere 8 support status for FortiGate appliances in VM factor (including the pay-as-you-go variant) was until recently not clear in the Fortinet documentation. After consulting a contact at Fortinet, he responded that FortiOS starting with version 7.2.0 is supported for vSphere 8 Read more…